As a matter of fact there is! by now you know that men are totally different creatures than women. You also know that the way a man thinks can make it feel like your relationship is not going in the direction you want to take it. You might even fear the passing of time, so what’s the hold up?
Does he love me enough to commit or not?
A guy needs to feel a certain way before proceeding with this kind of commitment. It’s instinct, just like women have, but both genders share completely different primal feelings that motivates them.
Once you understand how to make him feel a certain way about you, then he will become self motivated in asking you to marry him.
To get your boyfriend to propose to you, you need to understand that guys can have roadblocks that prevent them from going any further once they get this serious into a relationship.
They can fear losing their sense of ‘self’, their identity, having to sacrifice everything that makes them who they are, and yes.. they can fear the financial responsibility of sharing a life together and one day having children.
Your destiny as a woman might be to fulfill your place on earth with a wonderful husband, a happy marriage and beautiful children together. However, a man’s destiny is to provide for himself, his family and maybe even beyond.
If he feels that you might not be a good fit for this picture, or that he can’t fulfill his commitment, you may not be able to get your boyfriend to propose to you just yet, but not all hope is lost.
As a guy, he won’t be able to put into plain English how he’s feeling. These are subconscious thoughts or “gut feelings”. It may simply be triggered by certain things you say that make him uncomfortable that can cause an internal pressure within him.
This can be corrected and you can create a relaxed environment for him so that there is no doubt in his mind that you are the one, and that commitment to you would be nothing less than bliss.
How to get your boyfriend to propose is a matter of understanding how he really feels inside, and how to trigger good, emotional thoughts about settling down. You can do this!
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