Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Is Your Boyfriend Marriage Material?

There is something very sad that happens almost every day. Two people come together, but unfortunately, the person that a girl thought her boyfriend was from the beginning is not actually who he is deep down inside, and then it’s too late and they’ve married.

How can you really tell what his true character is? sure, you might defend him and say that John is the best person in the world, but you should know that it’s possible that the person that he shows you is not the same person that others see. He might be incredibly sweet to you, but if he treats others poorly and you never see this, could this back fire on down the road once you’ve gotten into a serious relationship?

So here’s how to tell what his true character is
The best way to make sure that he really has a good heart is to observe him and how he handles other people, particularly strangers. Let’s imagine that your boyfriend is heading into the gas station to pay for some gas that he just pumped while you wait in the car. Now pretend that as he is approaching the door there is an old man with a cane who is lumbering along and that your boyfriend clearly sees him coming. Does he hold the door for this person or completely brush him off?

It’s important to study and get a good understanding of who the person that you love really is. We tend to put up fronts as humans and wear masks that best portray us. The worst kind of a person is someone who always puts on this facade just to appeal to the people that he’s only interested in impressing, but is not generally kind to all folks. This person could be an opportunist.

As a result, it’s important that you observe how he intereacts with others when he thinks you aren’t looking. Is he overly flirty with every girl he talks to, or sweet and pleasant? There is a difference! Is he gracious and desiring to help others without asking for anything in return?

If you want him to be your knight in shining armor, make sure that he has the knight in his heart first. This is important, because if he shows signs of going out of his way for others, then chances are that he will be more committed to doing so for you in a serious, long term relationship.

Final note: Just because he neglected to hold the door for a stranger doesn’t mean he’s a bad person. He may have just been distracted or deep in thought. We all make mistakes, but if you see a common pattern of him totally ignoring other’s needs, then ask yourself if he could be good for you in the future.

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